Photo: Gage Skidmore

Steven Tyler Returns To Rehab After Relapse

After relapsing on pain medication following foot surgery, Steven Tyler has entered rehab.

On Tuesday (5.24) a representative for the Aerosmith frontman issued a statement announcing that the 74-year-old legendary rocker had voluntarily admitted himself to a facility for treatment, saying:

“As many of you know, our beloved brother Steven has worked on his sobriety for many years. After foot surgery to prepare for the stage and the necessity of pain management during the process, he has recently relapsed and voluntarily entered a treatment program to concentrate on his health and recovery.” “Thank you for your understanding and for your support for Steven during this time.”

Given the latest news result, the first set of Aerosmith’s Las Vegas residency dates in June and July had been cancelled.

“We will continue our 2022 dates starting in September, and we’ll let you know any further updates as soon as we can. We are devastated that we have inconvenienced so many of you, especially our most loyal fans who often travel great distances to experience our shows”

Over the years Steven Tyler has been transparent about his struggles with drug and alcohol addiction.

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Author: Al Denté

Photo: Gage Skidmore