Photo: Weatherman90 at English Wikipedia

Stevie Nicks Rules Out Fleetwood Mac Tour

Devastated when her bandmate Christine McVie’s passing in 2022 at the age of 79 following a stroke and a battle against cancer, Stevie Nicks has ruled out Fleetwood Mac ever touring again.

Stating that she and the other surviving Fleetwood Mac musicians could not face going on stage without the late keyboardist and singer, when asked if there is a chance of a potential onstage reunion, Stevie told Mojo magazine, “Without Christine, no can do… There is no chance of putting Fleetwood Mac back together in any way. Without her, it just couldn’t work.”

Having not had the chance to say goodbye to her friend before she died, Nicks added:

“It was all stunningly strange because there wasn’t any lead-up to it.’ “We got a call, and I was going to rent a plane and go see her, but her family said, ‘Don’t come, because she may not be here tomorrow.’ And the next day, she passed away.” “I wanted to go there and sit on her bed and sing to her – which definitely would have made her pass away faster. But I needed to be with her. And I didn’t get to do that. So that was very hard for me. I didn’t get to say goodbye.”

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Author: Saul Goode

Photo: Weatherman90 at English Wikipedia