After being diagnosed with Graves’ disease in 2008, Missy Elliott made her comeback seven years later as a special guest during Katy Perry’s 2015 Super Bowl Halftime Show.
Addressing the autoimmune disorder, this weekend’s Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee told the New York Post’s Alexa:
“Coming off of being sick and having a hiatus, that was like a ‘wow’ moment for me.” “It was almost like God was saying, ‘I’m gonna show you what I could do for you in three minutes.'”
In an interview with Billboard, the now 52-years old superstar rapper (born Melissa Arnette Elliott) shared her diagnosis after losing a huge amount of weight.
“It causes hair loss, your eyes bulge.” “My blood pressure was always up from just overworking.”
Elsewhere in the new interview, the Grammy award hitmaker recalled receiving support from music legend Mary J. Blige early in her career.
“I remember Mary coming up to me, and she was like, ‘You’re a superstar.” “And at the time, I didn’t pay it no mind because I really didn’t think that at all. But she kept telling me that, and me and her became really close.” Missy and Mary have collaborated on multiple hits, including ‘Never Been’ (2001) and ‘My Struggles’ (2005.) “She was the first one”Back then, you didn’t even want to play with Mary! And I personally didn’t think that I fit the mould because, you know, there was a certain look back then.”
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Author: Saul Goode
Photo: Atlantic Records