Photo: D.S.B.

Christina Aguilera’s Abusive Upbringing

Talking about growing up in an abusive home, Christina Aguilera spoke about how she used music to build a new life.

Now 43-year-old, the superstar singer/actress has been in the spotlight since 1993 when she was a child star in Disney’s The All-New Mickey Mouse Club followed by hart-topping songs and starring in such Hollywood movies as Burlesque and Shark Tale.

In her new cover star interview with Paper magazine, Aguilera discussed the details of her troubled childhood, explaining:

“Coming from an abusive household and seeing my mom feel voiceless and disempowered ignited something in me very early on.” “I grew up singing in front of people. I could see the reaction as a little girl, when I opened my mouth to sing. I was born with something I believe to be a gift, and I don’t take that lightly.” “I’m going to be that voice that I didn’t have growing up for my mother, be that voice for other people that feel voiceless in their own circumstances. It was very hard for me to stomach a lot of what I saw growing up, so I made a very early decision that I would come with something to say.”

Admitting that she was in the fame game, Christina added “for the love and the creativity, and how I can connect and hopefully spread messages.”

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Author: Saul Goode

Photo: D.S.B.